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Biedrības "Tavi draugi" noliktava tukša; lūdz ziedot

Ukrainian aid organization in Latvia asks for more donations

The warehouse of the association "Tavi draugi" (Your friends) on Ventspils Street in Riga is as empty as ever this summer. Once a week, aid shipments to Ukraine barely manage to fill a small van. Dry food, tea, nappies for children and hygiene products are in short supply, Latvian Television reported on June 11.

War refugees living in Latvia can be found every day on Ventspils Street in Riga. 11-year-old Angelina has her arms full of plushies."These are for my sisters, and these are for me."

Maria says that it is difficult for her to find a job because she does not know Latvian yet, but she is studying. "I need a stable income," she adds.

Four-year-old Nika and her mother Anastasia are from the occupied territory of Kherson. Anastasia's dad has just died, but Anastasia did not attend the funeral.  

"It's difficult on the right bank. Bombing. On the left, not so much, but all the roads are cut off. You can't leave. Clothes are not a problem in summer, but food is scarce," says Anastasia.

The association "Tavi draugi" confirms the same, asking for donations of all kinds of canned and dry food.

"If I said before that the whole warehouse is filled with love, now it has been taken away," concludes Ulvis Noviks, head of Tavi draugi. 

"We need hygiene products and food. Baby nappies, hygiene products for women, toothbrushes, shower gels, and soap are needed," continues the head of the association. "Everything that is brought will be immediately delivered to Ukraine."

The donated money is used to buy special material for protective nets in Ukraine - it is light, does not burn, and does not get wet.

"Most of the weavers are Ukrainians, they have found a job and we meet three times a week," says Renāte Grundštoka.

Donations are accepted every working day and on Saturdays until 3 pm.

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