New addiction helpline gets four calls a day in Latvia

Four people a day call the new addiction hotline established a month ago in Latvia, Una Mārtiņsone, representative of the Disease Prevention and Control Center (SPKC) told Latvian Television's 4. studija broadcast on June 14.

According to Mārtiņsone, it is mostly the addicted people's loved ones who call, less frequently the addicts themselves. The calls mostly concern overconsumption of alcohol and nicotine, less often drugs or gambling. 

"We get on average 4 calls a day. It doesn't seem a lot but we see in studies that people rarely get help overall," said narcologist Ilze Maksima.

Mārtiņsone added: "According to the latest research, 29% of people aged 18 to 75 consume tobacco or nicotine daily, and Latvia unfortunately has the highest consumption of alcohol per capita among the OECD countries."

The line 67037333 is available for all who either struggle with addiction, need information or support, or have someone they are concerned about. 

The phone works 9 to 6 on weekdays, and the consultations are provided by certified clinical and health psychologists.

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