Weather week in Latvia: Regular June

Moderate warmth will prevail in Latvia this week, according to forecasts.

Until Wednesday, air temperatures will be mostly +21 to +25 C in the afternoons and around +18 C to +20 C along the coast, while nights will cool to mostly +8 C to +13 C in the first half of the week. Tuesday will be dry and sunny, but on Wednesday many parts of Vidzeme and Latgale will experience a few thunderstorms.

On Thursday and Friday, westerly and north-westerly winds will gain force in Latvia and cooler air will flow in. Temperatures will drop to 5-12 C at night and reach 18-23 C during the day, with only 15-17 C in many parts of the Kurzeme coast.

The weather will be mostly dry, with a chance of brief thundershowers.

Little or no precipitation will fall in most of Latvia this week, so the drought will continue and intensify. A yellow forest fire alert is in force throughout the country.

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