Weather improvements expected toward weekend in Latvia

 Rainy and windy weather will persist in Latvia in the coming days, but from the middle of the new working week the weather will start to improve, according to forecasts by the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center (LVĢMC).

In the first half of the week, the weather will be cool, rainy, and windy, with occasional sunshine. Gusty winds are expected along the coast, but in the second half of the working week, the atmospheric pressure will start to gradually rise, so the weather will improve - precipitation will subside and it will become a few degrees warmer.

On Monday, the sun will shine interchangeably with clouds and showers. Rain is expected in the easternmost areas overnight Tuesday and in the west-central areas Tuesday afternoon. There will be a slow to moderate south-westerly, southerly wind, gusting to 15-19 meters per second along the coast. Winds will gradually ease and on Tuesday will be gently to moderately southerly. Temperatures will stay in the +5 to +11 C range during the dark hours of the day, with a few degrees warmer along the coast. During the day it will warm up to +16 C to+21 C.

In the second half of the working week, atmospheric pressure will start to rise gradually. Rain will continue to fall in most parts of the country on Wednesday, but will taper off on Thursday and Friday, with rain expected only in isolated areas. A slow to moderate south-westerly, southerly wind will continue, becoming gusty again along the coast on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday, the wind will ease and turn from the north during the day. Air temperatures will cool to +8 C to +15 C at night and warm to +14 C to +22 C during the day, with warmer weather expected in eastern parts of the country.

On the weekend, the weather will continue to improve - it will become drier, the sun will shine more often and the air temperature will rise by a few degrees, the LVGMC forecasts.

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