Darja Kulagina

lsm.lv autore Briselē

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Author's articles
Experts: Integration and deterrence can ensure Baltic security
Experts: Integration and deterrence can ensure Baltic security

In order to strip Russia of the opportunity to play the 'compatriot card' in the Baltics, the countries' governments should strive to integrate ethnic Russians. The West meanwhile should employ a policy of deterrence by increasing military presence, said US defense experts in a discussion held in late February on the defense capabilities of the Baltics, reported rus.lsm.lv Sunday.

Historian: Putin leeches off WWII memory
Historian: Putin leeches off WWII memory

World War II is the sole consolidating factor keeping contemporary Russian society together, historian Andrey Zubov told LSM’s Russian-language service correspondent Darja Kulagina in an interview Thursday. And he added that Vladimir Putin is parasitizing its memory, which touched practically every single family in the Soviet era.

Baltic MEPs seek ‘historic grounds’ for taking in fewer migrants
Baltic MEPs seek ‘historic grounds’ for taking in fewer migrants

Because Latvia endured the forced migration waves of the Soviet era and is still struggling with the integration process as regards this part of its population, it should get mitigated consideration for any migration burden-sharing quotas introduced, MEP Artis Pabriks told LSM’s Russian-language service Wednesday.

Analysis: Jihad not aimed at Latvia – for now
Analysis: Jihad not aimed at Latvia – for now

Pieter Van Ostaeyen, historian and Arab studies expert on Islamic affairs, shared his current analysis of the Islamic State, the renegade fundamentalist movement that is claiming control of vast territories of Syria and Iraq, and whether the tentacles of terrorism in a Holy War, or Jihad, against the western developed world, starting with Europe, might not be a threat to Latvia, too.