Rīga film festival invites industry submissions

The RIGA IFF FORUM, the industry program of Riga International Film Festival (RIGA IFF) taking place 24–26 October, has announced an open call for its two main sections.

Starting June 12, submissions are open for RIGA IFF SHOWCASE, a pitching session for feature film and series projects, as well as for SHORT RIGA Test Screenings, a regionally unique in-depth professional feedback session for short films. See the regulations and apply at forum.rigaiff.lv.


RIGA IFF SHOWCASE  is a compact, straight to the point co-financing market for feature films and series, tailored to producers, distributors, sales agents and festival programmers. It provides participants with insights into up-and-coming work from the Baltic states, as well as Eastern and Central Europe, aiming to boost co-productions within the region and present projects to buyers from all parts of Europe.

This year RIGA IFF SHOWCASE will accept 15-18 feature film and series projects – in all stages from development to post-production – that highlight the Eastern European zeitgeist and its regionally unique cinematic language on an international level. The best project will be awarded a monetary prize of 5,000 EUR. 

Furthermore, in a newly launched collaboration with New Europe Market Zagreb, one project will be chosen to participate in NEM Zagreb. Up to two members of the selected project team will have the opportunity to present their work at the event in Zagreb this December.

Projects will be evaluated by a renowned international jury, including Frédéric Lavigne, artistic director at Series Mania; Daria Badior, Kyiv Critics Week co-curator and film critic; Marija Razgutė, M-films founder and producer; and Geoffrey Macnab, film critic at The Independent and Screen International. Additional jury members and experts will be announced in the coming months.

SHORT RIGA Test Screenings

SHORT RIGA Test Screenings – a one of a kind industry event in the Baltic region focusing specifically on the in-depth evaluation of short films – will celebrate its 10th edition in 2024. It is a platform for short-form filmmakers from the Baltic states and this year’s guest country Portugal to present their work to sales agents, distributors and representatives from renowned film festivals. Participation in SHORT RIGA Test Screenings offers pitching training, editing advice, test screenings, as well as one-on-one sessions with experts.

The SHORT RIGA Test Screenings program 2024 edition, overseen by Lenka Tyrpáková, will showcase 10-14 short films; one selected film will be awarded a BBPosthouse prize of post-production services worth 5,000 EUR.

Participants will be guided and assessed by a panel of well-recognized international experts including Florian Fernandez, Industry Coordinator at Short Film Corner | Rendez-vous Industry in Cannes as well as distributor at Protest Studios; Laurence Rilly, the short film program manager at ARTE; and Carla Vulpiani, Short Film Advisor at Venice International Film Festival.

Please visit forum.rigaiff.lv for detailed submission guidelines, eligibility requirements, event schedule and further information about the events. Submissions are open until August 12.


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