Agnese Lāce named as candidate for Culture Minister

The Progressives will nominate Agnese Lāce, the current Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, for the post of Minister of Culture, the party said June 17. 

As reported earlier Monday morning, the current Culture Minister Agnese Logina decided to step down "for personal reasons".

"At a time when important work is being done on the 2025 budget, it is particularly important that we ensure continuity of work also in the Ministry of Culture, which we oversee. Agnese Lāce has proven herself as a professional who sets clear goals and knows how to achieve them. In our opinion, this will be an asset for the entire cultural sector," said Andris Šuvajevs, Chairman of the Progressives Saeima faction.

Lāce is Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Culture. Previously, she worked at the Providus think-tank as a senior researcher on migration and integration.

According to the Progressives party website, Lāce's professional life has been dedicated to research and advocacy in the field of migration and integration policy in academia, NGOs, and international organizations.

This year, Lāce was a candidate for the European Parliament elections as number 9 on the Progressives' list.

She holds a Master's degree in Political Science from the University of Latvia, a joint European Master's degree in Migration and Community Cohesion Studies, and is pursuing a PhD in International Relations in Political Science.

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