Latvian Culture Minister steps down

Minister of Culture Agnese Logina (Progressive) has decided to resign from her position and leave office on June 17, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Culture (KM).

"We have undertaken important reforms in the sector and it has been a great honor and responsibility for me to serve Latvia and its citizens. This time has been characterized by both difficult moments and successes, and I am proud of what has been achieved and boldly proposed.

"For personal reasons, I have decided to resign as Minister of Culture. I would like to thank my colleagues for their tireless work and support, as well as all those who believed in our work together. I will continue to serve the development of a better, more cohesive, safer society," Logina was quoted.

Logina took office as Minister of Culture on September 15, 2023.

The KM said that during this time the Ministry has developed media policy guidelines, allocated more financing to cultural education programs, completed a number of renovation projects, and started to improve the management of the Ministry's capital companies. 

Logina expressed her gratitude to the Ministry's staff and colleagues working in the cultural sector.

The next candidate for the post of Minister of Culture will be nominated by the Progressives on Monday, June 17.

"It is important for us to ensure continuity of work and positions during this transition period, especially in the merger of public media and in the maintenance of infrastructure projects under the supervision of the Ministry," said the leader of the Progressives' Saeima faction Andris Šuvajevs.

Šuvajevs listed experience in the work of the ministry, a high level of understanding of culture, media policy and integration issues, and an impeccable reputation as criteria for the next minister. The faction will invite the New Unity and the Greens and Farmers Union government factions, as well as the Saeima opposition factions, to meet with the nominee.

Prime Minister Evika Siliņa (New Unity) announced on the platform "X" that she has accepted Logina's resignation and expects a new candidate for the post of Minister of Culture from the Progressives.

Unofficial information available to Latvian Television shows that the parliamentary secretary of Culture Ministry, Agnese Lāce, has been addressed by the party to possibly take the post.

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