Ogle festival to focus on men's mental health this year

On July 12 and 13, Olaine Mežaparks will host the fifth annual Ogle festival, designed to give everyone the opportunity to improve their mental health and well-being. This year, the festival will focus on men's mental health, the organizers said.

Participation in this year's Ogle Festival is free of charge. The main theme is men's mental health. This theme has been chosen to encourage open conversations and to help understand how we can support men on their journey to better mental health. The festival will give you the opportunity to hear stories and advice from professionals, as well as to take part in discussions that can help tackle a range of mental health issues

Over the two days, participants will be able to take part in educational lectures and workshops. The lectures will offer a deeper understanding of mental health and wellbeing, while the workshops will provide practical tips and opportunities to explore new ways of looking after yourself.

As every year, the festival programme is packed with activities to suit different interests and age groups.

The festival will feature performances by Krankenwagen, Ūga, Rainis peldkostīmā, Nova Koma, Midnight Projects, Matīss Pavītols, Gunnar The Fifth and many others.

There will also be tattoo stations during the event, where in exchange for donations you can either get a tattoo of your own design or choose from the designs offered by the artists. Participants will also be able to enjoy musical entertainment, local films, prose readings and just relax, meet like-minded people and spend time in a positive atmosphere.

The aim of Ogle is to create a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels welcome and belong, and where they can gain valuable knowledge and skills that will help improve their mental health in the long term, say the festival organisers.

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