Three for the Weekend: Festival, Performance, Cider

Although it is still May, it feels like the middle of July. Here are some suggestions to celebrate summer!

Music and Art Festival "Walpurgis"

The Latvian Culture Academy'smusic, performance, and art festival "Valpurģi" (Walpurgis) takes place May 24 for the seventeenth time. This year the festival will feature contemporary and multimedial vibes throughout the usual traditions of music and performances.

Three musical stages each with their own musical style, as well as performances and films, are promised.

The festival takes place at the Latvian Culture Academy (Ludzas Street 24). Entrance from 20:00, event begins at 21:00.

More information and stage lineup on the Facebook event page.

Performance "About Women, Plants and Rooting in Landscape"

The "Punctum" culture festival comes to a close on May 24 with its final event. 

"Reflecting on interaction between women, plants and soil, the performance will stimulate a certain way of literary growth. Estonian poet and performance artist Sveta Grigorjeva, joined by young Latvian female poets, will address the question what it means to write vegetally or to be vegetal with the help of the movement," the organizers describe the performance.

The event takes place May 24, 19:00, Smiļģa Gallery (Eduarda Smiļģa Street 34A, Rīga).

Entrance is free.

Cider market

On May 25, everyone is invited to a cider market at the Kalnciema Quarter (Kalnciema Street 35), named "The Road of the Latvian apple cider". 

Eleven cider makers will participate with their production –  Abuls, Herbsts - Sidra Darītava, Tālavas sidrs, Mūrbūdu sidrs, Mr. Plūme sidra darītava, Sabiles sidrs, Abavas vīna darītava, Turkalnes muiža, vīna darītava Lauskis, SIA Pienjāņi and Ezera sidrs, as well as Jaanihanso ciderhouse and Tori Siidritalu from Estonia.

A cider connoisseur Gabe cook will also be teaching a master class.

More information on the Facebook page.

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