First Latvian easy language storybook published

The publishing house "Valters un Rapa" in cooperation with the Institute of Latvian Language of the University of Latvia and the Agency of Easy Language has published the book "Stories in Easy Language" (Stāsti vieglajā valodā).

It is the first time that readers will be able to buy original Latvian literature in easy language, the publishers say.

The concept of easy language has existed in Latvia for 25 years, but awareness, public education, and access to resources in easy language are still insufficient. Currently, Latvian bookstores do not have books in Latvian which would provide wider cultural access for Latvians in the diaspora, foreigners learning Latvian, young readers, seniors, and other target groups. Therefore, this project launches a series of literary works in a much-needed and still undeveloped field.

Making literature available in easy Latvian is a significant contribution to the well-being of society, ensuring that everyone who wants to read can and is able to read high-quality, multi-layered, meaningful stories in a way that is accessible and understandable to them, say the book's creators.

Stories in Easy Language is a collection of the entries submitted to the Easy to Read competition.

The competition "Easy to Read" was organized by the Institute of Latvian Language of the University of Latvia and the Easy Language Agency.

"Access to literature and culture is as important as the need to understand laws, doctors' instructions or essential everyday information. Valters un Rapa Book House has appreciated the Nordic experience and is setting an example for every book publisher in Latvia. I am sure that readers will also appreciate the opportunity to get to know the adventures of Anna, Gustavs, Pēterisand other characters in easy language."

The project was supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation.

The presentation event of the book "Stories in Easy Language" will take place on June 18 at 15:00, at the "Valters un Rapa" House, Aspazijas Boulevard 24, Riga.

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