Latvia gets new Olympic Committee president

On Tuesday, June 4, Raimonds Lazdiņš, the former vice-president of the Latvian Handball Federation, took office as President of the Latvian Olympic Committee (LOK).

In the first round of voting at the LOK General Assembly, 61 out of 107 votes were cast in favor of Lazdiņš becoming President of the LOK. At least 54 LOC members had to vote for Lazdiņš to take office.

In an interview with the media, Lazdiņš said that "there would be no revolution", but there was a lot of work ahead. He stressed the importance of cooperation between sports federations.

Although Lazdiņš previously served on the LOK Executive Committee, he has not been in the sports policy circle for long. Asked about his interest in taking up the post, Lazdiņš reiterated the fragmented nature of the sporting environment.

"Sport is always interesting and exciting. If you don't have goals, why live? Sport has been close to me all my life. I can see that the divide has been too big. My job is to mend that gap," said Lazdiņš.

The candidates for the post of President of the LOK were Jānis Reirs of the New Unity party, Arnis Lagzdiņš, President of the Latvian Athletics Union, and Viesturs Koziols, Vice-President of the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation.

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