Legendary Latvian climber to be profiled in new documentary

Production is under way on a new documentary film about the best-known Latvian alpinist in the global mountaineering community – Teodors Ķirsis and his legendary team who conquered the world's highest peaks after the restoration of the country's independence.

Teodors was a top climber from the Baltics during the 1980s and 1990s but on December 9, 2003 Ķirsis together with the rest of his group (Ilmārs Bernāns, Evija Ķirse, Aivars Prošenkovs) tragically died during an expedition to Aoraki/Mount Cook in New Zealand.

Before tragedy struck, Ķirsis and his team became legendary for scaling challenging mountains without appropriate equipment during the Soviet times, long before GPS and other modern technological solutions greatly improved safety.

"In this documentary film we will see previously unreleased recordings from the expeditions and video diaries of Teodors Kirsis that haven’t been made publicly available. as well as interviews with Teodors himself, friends, teammates and family," promises filmmaker Viktors Buda.

Teodors Ķirsis started practicing mountaineering as a university student in 1968. Ķirsis summited all five peaks within the former USSR, receiving the title of “Snow Leopard”.

After the restoration of independence of Latvia, he was part of the first Latvian Himalayan expedition together with Imants Zauls and Ilgvars Pauls, reaching 8167 m at Dhaulagiri Peak on October 10, 1993, and on May 14, 1995 he and Imants Zauls became first Latvians to summit Mount Everest (8848 m).

By January, 2001 he had reached the highest peaks of all continents, thus accomplishing the prestigious “Seven Summits” program for mountain climbers.

The documentary, titled 'The Road Never Ends' is doe for release in 2025.


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