Rīgas maratons

"Rimi" Rīgas maratons. Intervija ar NMPD ārstu Aleksandru Zaļeski

Rīgas maratons

Mans Rīgas maratons

"Rimi" Rīgas maratona un pusmaratona starts

Georgian, Finnish athletes win Rīga Marathon

Sunday May 19 sees the Rīga Marathon, half-marathon and 5-kilometer distances all taking place in the Latvian capital.

On a warm and sunny morning, Georgian runner Daviti Kharazishvili crossed the line first in the men's full marathon distance with a time of 2:21:46. 

Local runners Dmitrijs Serjogins and Renārs Roze finished in second and third places.

Finland's Jaana Strandvall was the fastest female marathon runner, finishing in 2:55:08. Latvia's Anita Siliņa and Anna Kļučnika crossed the line in second and third places.

In an interview with Latvian Television before the start, the head of the marathon organizing team, Aigars Nords, expressed his satisfaction with the successful start of the running weekend, as thousands of runners took part in the Olympic Children's Day and the mile run on Saturday, where Latvian championship medals were also distributed

Nords said runners from 105 countries were competing in the various events and that in the coming years, the organizers want to maintain the Rīga Marathon as a running festival with a widely represented audience of runners of various ages in several distances. 

Due to the expected heat during the day, occasional runners in the shortest distances should monitor their well-being and health more carefully, rather than strive for personal bests, emphasized Nords. 

Full details and results are available at the official website here



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