Vape producer unhappy with vape production restrictions

Pro Vape, an electronic cigarette manufacturer operating under the "Salt" brand, has challenged the restrictions on flavors in electronic smoking devices from next year before the Constitutional Court (ST), LETA reports July 2.

According to the ST, the court has initiated the case on Pro Vape's application and will assess whether the first three sentences of Article 105 of the Constitution comply with the amendments to the Law on the Handling of Tobacco Products, Tobacco Substitute Products, Herbal Products for Smoking, Electronic Smoking Devices and Their Liquids adopted by the Parliament earlier this year, which from next year will prevent the marketing of electronic smoking device liquids and tobacco substitute products containing flavorings.

The manufacturer of electronic smoking devices has challenged the provisions of the amended law.

The company requests an assessment of the compatibility of these changes with the first three sentences of Article 105 of the Constitution, which provides that everyone in Latvia has the right to property, property may not be used contrary to the public interest and property rights may be restricted only in accordance with the law.

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