Survey: 36% of Latvia's households have recently improved energy efficiency

In the last five years, slightly more than a third (36.1%) of dwellings have undergone energy efficiency improvement measures - thermal insulation, window change, or heating system improvements, according to the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) 2023 Population Survey on Income and Living Conditions.

The CSB said that energy efficiency in housing remains a very important issue due to the increase in energy prices. As of 2019, only 36.1% of dwellings had some type of energy efficiency improvement measure. 20.5% of dwellings had one, 9% had two, and 6.6% had three or more energy efficiency improvement measures.

Among the regions, Kurzeme is the most active in improving the energy efficiency of dwellings - 41.9% of dwellings in Kurzeme have undergone some type of thermal insulation, window, or heating renovation in the last five years, the least - Riga (34%) and Latgale (35%).

The choice to undertake energy efficiency improvement measures is often influenced by the financial situation of the population, but the difference between poor and well-off households is not large. 

32.7% of the poorest households (1st quintile) indicated that energy efficiency improvement measures had been carried out in their dwelling in the last five years. Among the most affluent (5th quintile) households, only slightly more - 36.2% - had any type of energy efficiency improvement. The highest percentage is in quintile 3 at 38.2%.

The quintile group represents one fifth (20%) of the number of households surveyed, grouped in ascending order of disposable income per household member. The lowest (first) quintile comprises the fifth of households with the lowest income, while the highest (fifth) quintile comprises the fifth of households with the highest income.

The data source for the energy efficiency indicators is the CSP 2023 Survey on Income and Living Conditions, which was conducted among 10,200 respondents (aged 16+) from 5,800 households. The survey included a set of questions on energy efficiency of dwellings, where respondents were asked to describe their household situation (energy efficiency of dwellings, energy source of heating system, etc.) over the last five years.

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