Latvian Postal Service looks for new head

The Board of Latvian Postal Service (Latvijas Pasts, LP) has announced an open competition for the positions of Chairman and Member of the Management Board. Applications are open until July 5, LP said on June 14.

Until the appointment of a new CEO and Board member is confirmed, the company will continue to employ interim Board members Beāte Krauze-Čebotare, Jānis Kūliņš and Pēteris Lauriņš.

Andris Puriņš, member of the Board with responsibility for financial management, will continue to serve on the Board. His term of office is January 8 2028. 

The decision to reduce the number of board members to three is related to "management efficiency and cost optimization".

The selection process is open for a Chairperson of the Board with responsibility for the management of the company and the team, as well as for stakeholder, IT and operational management, and a Member of the Board with responsibility for business development with responsibility for the company's revenue, product and service sales performance.

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