Latvia's GDP per capita trailed EU peers in 2023

In 2023, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita expressed in purchasing power standards ranged between 64% of the EU average in Bulgaria and 240% in Luxembourg – but Latvia was among the countries furthest from the EU average in the other direction.

This information comes from the flash estimates of purchasing power parities and GDP for 2023 published by Eurostat March 26.

In 2023, substantial differences in GDP per capita expressed in purchasing power standards were recorded among EU countries. Luxembourg and Ireland had the highest levels (140% and 112% above the EU average, respectively), well ahead of the Netherlands (30% above the EU average), Denmark (+28%), and Austria (+23%).

In contrast, Bulgaria registered the lowest GDP per capita, 36% below the EU average, followed by Greece (-33%) and Latvia (-29%). Fellow Baltic states Estonia and Lithuania fared better with equivalent figures of -19% and -13% respectively.

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