Vacancy numbers up 2.5% in Q1 in Latvia

Data from the Central Statistical Bureau published June 14 show that in Q1 2024 there were 24.5 thousand job vacancies in Latvia, which is 0.6 thousand vacancies or 2.5 % more than in Q1 2023.

In the private sector, there were 13.4 thousand and in the public sector 11.1 thousand job vacancies. Over the year, the number of job vacancies in the private sector decreased by 0.2 thousand or 1.6 %, but in the public sector – rose by 0.8 thousand or 7.8 %.

Out of the total number of jobs in Latvia (both occupied and vacant), 2.7 % of positions were vacant, of which 3.7 % in the public sector and 2.2 % in the private sector.

In Q1 2024, compared to Q1 2023, the average number of occupied posts in the country fell by 4.8 thousand or 0.5 %. In the private sector it dropped by 6.4 thousand or 1.1 %, but in the public sector increased by 1.6 thousand or 0.6 %.

The highest share of job vacancies was recorded among technicians and associate professionals (4.6 %), craft and related trades workers (4.1 %) and elementary occupations (3.0 %).

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In Q1 2024, the greatest share of job vacancies was observed in Riga region – 3.4 % of all jobs within the region or 20.6 thousand, whereas the lowest – in Kurzeme and Vidzeme – 1.1 % or 1.0 thousand and 1.1 % or 0.9 thousand, respectively. Share of job vacancies in Latgale accounted to 1.7 % or 1.1 thousand, but in Zemgale – 1.5 % or 1.0 thousand.

Among the three Baltic states, the greatest proportion of job vacancies was recorded in Latvia – 2.7 %, in Lithuania – 1.9 % and in Estonia – 1.6 %.

In Q1 2024, compared to the respective period of 2023, rise in the job vacancy number was observed in Lithuania and Latvia (of 3.1 % and 2.5 %, respectively), but in Estonia it reduced by 16.3 %.

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