The figure has grown by 0.7 percentage points over the year and by 1.5 percentage points over the two years.
One in four employed (24.5 %) had acquired a master’s degree, 13.9 % a bachelor’s degree, 3.6 % short-cycle tertiary (college) education, and 0.7 % a doctorate. Upper secondary education was completed by 37.1 % of the employed persons, post-secondary non-tertiary education by 13.5 %, lower secondary education (second stage of primary education) by 6.4 %, and first stage of primary education by 0.3 %.
In 2023, almost half (45.1 %) of the employed persons aged 25 and over were managers, professionals, or technicians and associate professionals. More than a fifth (21.4 %) were skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers, craft and related trades workers, or plant and machine operators and assemblers, and one fifth (20.0 %) were clerical support workers or service and sales workers. Elementary occupations engaged just 12.7 % of the number.
Among technicians and associate professionals, the share of employed persons having higher (tertiary) education has gone up by 1.1 percentage points (58.9 % in 2022 and 60.0 % in 2023) while among managers (70.6 % in 2022 and 70.0 % in 2023) as well as professionals (87.0 % in 2022 and 86.4 % in 2023) gone down by 0.6 percentage points. The proportion of people with higher education in the group of clerical support workers almost has not changed (41.8 % in 2022 and 41.9 % in 2023), whereas that among skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers has risen by 1.5 percentage points (2.6 % in 2022 and 4.1 % in 2023). More employed persons having higher education (up by 0.3 percentage points) were also registered among armed forces occupations (39.5 % in 2022 and 39.8 % in 2023) as well as among plant and machine operators and assemblers (8.9 % and 9.2 %).
At the beginning of 2023, the highest employment rate (91.9 %) within the population aged 25–64 was among people having doctorate, followed by those with short-cycle tertiary education (85.6 %), master’s degree (84.5 %), and bachelor’s degree (82.7 %). The lowest employment rate within this age group (9.2 %) was registered for people with no formal education or with less than primary education.