Latvian Railways to lay off 300 employees

SJSC "Latvian Railways/Latvijas dzelzceļš" (LDz) will lay off 298 workers employed in cleaning railway infrastructure premises and territories, representatives of LDz told LETA on June 21.

An assessment of the cleaning process has been carried out, analyzing the cost-effectiveness of both the current model, in which the cleaning of railway infrastructure premises and passenger platforms is carried out by LDz employees, and the possibility of outsourcing this work, and a public tender was launched in early 2024, said LDz.

The results of the tender for the cleaning of railway infrastructure premises and territory were assessed and it was concluded that outsourcing the cleaning work can reduce LDz's costs while maintaining a high quality of service. A decision has therefore been taken to start reducing the number of LDz employees in this area.

The decision will affect 298 of LDz's cleaning staff, who have already been informed of the process. LDz has also submitted a collective redundancy notice to the State Employment Agency, the relevant municipalities and the Latvian Railway and Transport Workers' Union.

Last year, the LDz Group's total turnover was EUR 263.529 million, which is 3.4% more than in 2022, but the Group suffered a loss of EUR 3.231 million.

LDz is the manager of the railway infrastructure in public use and the Group's holding company, whose main function is the maintenance, renewal and development of the railway infrastructure in public use for passenger and freight transport.

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