Latvians have longest working hours in the Baltic states

In 2023, the actual weekly working hours for people aged 20-64 in their main job, in the EU, averaged 36.1 hours – but Latvians work a couple of hours longer (38.4 hours), according to Eurostat data published May 30.

The longest working weeks were recorded in Greece (39.8 hours), Romania (39.5), Poland (39.3) and Bulgaria (39.0).  In contrast, the Netherlands had the shortest working week (32.2 hours), followed by Austria (33.6) and Germany (34.0). 

Latvians work just a few minutes longer than Lithuanians (38.3 hours) but considerably longer than Estonians (36.4 hours)

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Source dataset: lfsa_ewhais 

The economic activities recording the longest working week, in the EU, in 2023, were agriculture, forestry and fishing (41.5 actual working hours), mining and quarrying (39.1) and construction (38.9), whilst the shortest working weeks were recorded in activities of households as employers (26.7 hours), education (31.9) and arts, entertainment and recreation (33.0).

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