More trains to beaches during summer season in Latvia

As of June 6, the summer timetable of train services will come into force, which will be supplemented with several trips to the destinations of Jūrmala and Saulkrasti, said the company Vivi.

On the routes Rīga-Dubulti-Rīga and Rīga-Carnikava-Rīga, the timetable will be supplemented with six weekday and ten weekend services. Two additional trains will be assigned to the extended route Rīga-Lilaste-Rīga. 

Two additional evening services will also be operated on Sundays on the Rīga-Sigulda-Rīga route, which previously ran only on weekdays. 

The timetable, which is available on the Vivi mobile app and website, already includes all the current changes.

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