Africa in focus in Rīga

On Jue 3 and 4, Rīga will be hosting an international forum, "Latvia and African Countries: Partners for Peace and Resilience", organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"The aim of the forum is to activate political and economic contacts with African countries, to unlock the potential for cooperation both in bilateral cooperation, economy in particular, and in relation to the current international agenda," according to advance materials.

The first day of the event will feature analytical discussions and presentations on the growing international role of African countries, including in the context of the UN's Women, Peace and Security agenda. On the second day of the forum, participants will explore potential opportunities for cooperation in education, digitalisation, agriculture and forestry, with an emphasis on modern technological solutions and the creation of high added value.

"The discussion aims to revise assumptions about the African continent, focusing on the potential for cooperation, especially in areas related to strengthening resilience and innovation. Simultaneously, there will also be a business program for entrepreneurs and diplomats from African countries on economic issues," said the Latvian MFA. 

The forum is expected to gather about 100 participants from Latvia and African countries, creating a new platform for dialogue between entrepreneurs, policy makers, academics and the non-governmental sector. Participation in the forum has been confirmed by representatives from countries such as Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Libya, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

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