Security Service finds no unlawful activity regarding EP elections so far

The State Security Service (VDD) has not yet detected any attempts to illegally influence the results of the European Parliament (EP) elections in Latvia, VDD told the news agency LETA on June 5.

So far, the State Security Service has not detected any direct attempts by the aggressor state Russia or other countries to illegally interfere in the EP elections and influence their results in Latvia. The VDD has also not identified any cases of vote-buying or preparations for such actions.

The VDD reminds everyone that the deliberate obstruction of a person's free exercise of the right to vote or to be elected is a criminal offense. The law prohibits influencing the free choice of voters by violence, fraud, threats, bribery, or any other unlawful means. Criminal liability is also imposed for deliberate miscounting of votes, as well as for deliberate violation of the secret voting principle by a public official or a member of the electoral commission.

The VDD asks the public to provide information on possible cases of vote-buying, where payment or other material or immaterial benefits are offered for voting for a particular political force or candidate, as well as information on attempts to influence the free choice in elections in an unlawful manner. The Service also welcomes information on the creation and dissemination of deliberately false discrediting information about a political force or a parliamentary candidate using deepfake technologies.

Contact the Service if you have information about the deliberate miscounting of votes in favor of a party or candidate, or the failure to ensure a secret ballot at a polling station. If observing possible criminal offenses during the EP elections, the Service encourages obtaining as much and as accurate information as possible, as well as recording the potential offense in photo, video, or audio format.

Inform the State Police about unauthorized campaigning in urban areas on the day of the European Parliament elections or the day before the elections (June 7 and 8). For example, the distribution of leaflets is prohibited these days, as is campaigning outside polling stations. 

Report hidden electioneering, i.e. political advertising without a named payer, on the internet, in newspapers, or in public places to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB). 

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