Voting ends in Latvia for European Parliament elections

On Saturday, June 8, at 8:00 p.m., all polling stations in Latvia closed and the European Parliament elections have come to an end.

The Central Election Commission (CVK) said that they took place without incident - though there were serious technical glitches in the CVK's updates of turnout during the afternoon. Many news outlets reported that turnout had exceeded the level recorded in 2019 only to have to withdraw their stories later. 

To find out the official election results in these elections, voters will have to wait a little longer – until Sunday night when the last polling station in the European Union – in Italy – will be closed.

Now the counting of votes in Latvia is under way.

As far as turnout is concerned, it appears to be similar to the previous European Parliament elections in 2019 when nearly 34% of those eligible to vote bothered to do so (33.53%).

By 22:22 the CVK website was showing turnout at nearly 34% once again (33.77%) for the 2024 elections, suggesting that politicians' efforts to enthuse the electorate have had little effect and that nearly two-thirds of voters still consider it not worth their while to vote. Turnout was at least fractionally higher than last time around and also above 2014's all-time low of 30.24%.

European Parliament elections  in the European Union member states are being held from June 6 to 9.

16 parties contested the election in Latvia, with 9 places in the European Parliament at stake. 

The publication of live national results and seat projections will start on Sunday 9 June from 19:00 Rīga time at the earliest. A first aggregated projection of the composition of the European Parliament as a whole can be expected shortly after 21:15 according to the official Europe-wide results portal.

Before then of course, there will be exit estimations, assumptions, projections and wishful thinking aplenty. If you really can't get enough coverage, our colleagues on the LSM Latvian language service will be pumping out plenty of material to satisfy your need. 

For more information about the European Parliament elections in general see:

For more information about the elections in Latvia, including turnout figures and eventual results, see:


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