KNAB: Campaigning rules respected on election day in Latvia

On the day of the European Parliament elections, Saturday, 8 June, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) received 19 signals on possible violations of pre-election campaigning, but no violations were detected after checking them.

KNAB considers both the day of the European Parliament elections and the day before it, when particularly strict restrictions on campaigning were in force, have passed peacefully.

The KNAB has not detected any possible irregularities but is continuing in-depth investigations into two cases of "dissemination of information containing campaigning material" to residents via electronic communication networks.

Citizens have most often drawn the attention of the KNAB to posts on social networks containing campaigning, which is not prohibited under the Law on Pre-election Campaigning.

KNAB has not found any cases where campaigners have paid for the promotion of posts on social networks, which is prohibited on election day and the day before.

According to KNAB, the low number of signals of possible infringements received is, inter alia, due to prevention activities.

KNAB thanked the citizens who did not remain indifferent and informed KNAB about possible campaign violations both on election day and during the whole 120-day pre-election campaign period.

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