Politicians question Latvian election body's transparency

Representatives of several parties in the Central Election Commission (CVK) are in disagreement with the decision of its head Kristīne Saulīte to entrust the collection of votes cast in the European Parliament (EP) elections to only two IT specialists, thus making the process opaque for the commission members, CVK member Ringolds Balodis told Latvian Television June 9.

He said that the actions of the head of the CVK should also be assessed by the responsible committee of the Saeima.

Edmunds Jurēvics, chairman of the New Unity faction in the Saeima, also expressed surprise that the CVK held information private for so long this year.

Economics Minister Viktors Valainis (Greens and Farmers Union), told LETA that this time there was very weak involvement of political representatives delegated by the Saeima in the election observation process. According to the Minister, representatives from political parties should be fully informed about the electoral process, as they not only approve the results but also monitor the electoral process. This has not been done fully, according to Valainis.

The minister criticized the fact that the parties did not receive timely information on the turnout, nor on the "insignificant, but still irregularities" in the electoral process.

"We learned more from the press than from the party representative in the CVK. If information comes from the press, we should clarify it, ask the representative. But at the moment, absolutely nothing could be found out," complained Valainis, adding that "this cannot continue".

The minister also criticized the technical aspect of the vote counting, namely that it is done in "Excel spreadsheets". After the elections, the political force is expected to raise the issue of the evaluation of the CVK's work.

According to information available to LETA, similar dissatisfaction with the work of the CVK is reported in other parties - both coalition and opposition parties - and the main reason is that the CVK members delegated by the parties have been cut off from monitoring the electoral process.

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