Ten unstamped election envelopes deemed accident

The Central Election Commission (CVK) has instructed to count the ballot papers in ten unsealed envelopes at the 81st polling station in Riga, according to information available on the Commission's website.

In the June 8 EP elections, 10 ballot envelopes were found in the ballot box at polling station 81, which were not stamped with the polling station commission's seal.

Having examined the documents in the possession of the CVK and the information provided by the commission of the 81st polling station, the CVK concludes that there is no evidence of malpractice on the part of the precinct commission or third parties.

The envelopes in question, which, contrary to Article 23(3) of the EP Law, are not stamped with the seal of the polling station commission, were issued to the voters as a result of an accidental error by the polling station commission, and there is no reason to doubt that the contents of these envelopes reflect the free will of the voters.

The CVK explained that, in assessing the substance of the infringement, the failure to seal the ballot envelopes constituted a formal infringement. The right to vote is a constitutional right. The right to vote is a fundamental right of citizens and is the basis of a democratic state governed by the rule of law.

The vote of every citizen who has taken part in an election is therefore significant and should not be excluded on the grounds of formal irregularities.

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