Some parties fined for election campaigning breaches in Latvia

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has fined a few parties for violations during the European Parliament (EP) pre-election campaigning period, LETA news agency reported June 12.

During the pre-election campaign period, the KNAB launched 85 sectoral inspections for possible violations of pre-election campaigning, including 45 - for possible hidden campaigning before the elections, 25 - for possible violations related to campaigning restrictions, 10 - for financial and other violations, as well as five inspections for possible prohibited campaigning the day before the elections and on election day. Most of these checks are still active.

KNAB initiated five administrative offense proceedings, including four proceedings in which KNAB adopted decisions to impose fines on the political parties "Latvia First" and "For Stability!", as well as on the party association "People. Land. Statehood".

KNAB has imposed fines totaling EUR 2,800 on these political organizations.

The decisions concerning the political parties were taken in connection with the failure to submit on time the notifications on the placement of campaign material. One decision was also taken for failure to indicate the print run.

KNAB confirmed that during the campaigning period, it had no information on possible cases of deepfake use.

The pre-election campaigning period started on February 10.

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