Dombrovskis likely to be put forward as Latvia's European Commissioner

On Monday, June 10, the coalition agreed conceptually to nominate Valdis Dombrovskis (New Unity) for the post of European Commissioner, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa (New Unity) announced after the coalition meeting. The government could decide on this on Tuesday.

Dombrovskis is already Latvia's nominee for the European Commission (EC), headed by Ursula von der Leyen, and holds the post of Commissioner for International Trade. He is also Vice-President of the EC, responsible for the European Union (EU) economy.

Dombrovskis got the most pluses in the European Parliament elections just held in Latvia. His list, New Unity, received the most votes, or 25.07%.

"We believe that his track record in Europe and his ability to influence the process, both in terms of his international experience and his recognition within the European institutions, is really important. We also discussed in the coalition that Valdis Dombrovskis could be nominated as European Commissioner," said PM Siliņa.

According to the Prime Minister, Dombrovskis should be nominated as soon as possible, but before a decision is taken tomorrow, Dombrovskis is scheduled to meet with coalition members. 

The New Unity Executive Board has also endorsed Dombrovskis' nomination from Latvia. 

"Dombrovskis won the most votes of confidence in this year's European Parliament elections, receiving the most pluses of all the parties' candidates. This is a strong mandate from voters for Valdis Dombrovskis to continue representing Latvia in the European Commission. The election results show that the Latvian public values his experience, achievements, competence in European affairs and influence," the parties' alliance said in a statement.

"It is in Latvia's interest to maintain Valdis Dombrovskis' influence at the highest level of EU decision-making," New Unity said.

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