Latvian government to nominate Dombrovskis as European Commissioner

On Tuesday, June 11, the government approved Latvia's candidate for the next European Commission (EC), reappointing the current Executive Director of the EC, Valdis Dombrovskis (New Unity).

Dombrovskis' nomination was endorsed by the coalition parties on Monday, June 10.

Dombrovskis is already Latvia's top official in Brussels, holding the post of Commissioner for International Trade in the EC chaired by Ursula von der Leyen. He is also Vice-President of the EC and responsible for the European Union (EU) economy.

Addressing ministers at the cabinet meeting, Dombrovskis said that the EU is currently facing very serious challenges, both in terms of EU security and the competitiveness and growth of the European economy: "The EU's multiannual budget after 2027 will be very important. There will be no time to breathe, the new EC will have to tackle very serious issues right away in a very complex international geopolitical and security situation."

Dombrovskis said that, as in the past 10 years, he was ready to work in close cooperation with the Latvian government and institutions.

Dombrovskis got the most pluses in the last European Parliament elections in Latvia, according to the preliminary results of the Central Election Commission. His list, New Unity, received the most votes, or 25.07%. Two MEPs were elected to the European Parliament from the list - Dombrovskis and the current MEP Sandra Kalniete.

EC members serve for five years. The current EC's mandate runs until October 31 2024.

The European Council recommends the appointment of EC members on the basis of proposals from member states. The European Parliament votes to approve the appointment. The whole process is quite lengthy, and is reflected in the infographic below. You can examine the full-sized version here.


Appointment of EU Commissioners
Appointment of EU Commissioners

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