The highest decoration - Order of the Three Stars - was awarded to 34 persons, the Order of Viesturs to 24 and the Cross of Recognition to 22 persons.
The highest Latvian State awards are received by people who have served the Latvian State and people, whose dedicated professional and social work and civil performance have contributed to Latvia's growth. Among the recipients of the highest decoration are Latvian ambassador to Ukraine Ilgvars Kļava, as well as several employees of the Latvian public media framework that LSM also belongs to: LTV's Gints Amoliņš, Ina Strazdiņa, Ingus Graudiņš, and Latvian Radio's Inga Sprance.
Piešķirti augstākie Latvijas valsts apbalvojumi! Lepojamies, ka apbalvojumu saņēmēju vidū ir arī mūsu kolēģi. Ordeņu kapituls par Triju Zvaigžņu ordeņa kavalieriem lēmis iecelt @gints_a, @InaStrazdina un operatoru Ingu Graudiņu! Lepojamies!
— LTV Panorāma (@ltvpanorama) October 27, 2022
The full list of those who have received State awards is available at the presidential website.