Agnese Lāce appointed Latvian Culture Minister

On Thursday, June 20, the Saeima approved the appointment of Agnese Lāce, the former Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, as Minister of Culture.

52 MPs voted in favor of Lāce, 27 voted against, and no abstentions were recorded.

Lāce was supported by the coalition parties - New Unity, Progressives, and the Greens and Farmers Union - while the opposition parties United List and National Alliance voted against.  

Lāce previously worked at the Providus think tank as a senior researcher on migration and integration. According to the Progressives party website, Lāce's professional life has been related to research and advocacy in the field of migration and integration policy in academia, NGOs and international organizations.

She holds a Master's degree in Political Science from the University of Latvia, a European Joint Master's degree in Migration and Community Cohesion Studies, and is pursuing a PhD in Political Science in Turkey.

Lāce was a candidate in this year's European Parliament elections as number 7 on the Progressives' list.

The post of Minister of Culture became vacant at the beginning of the week after the resignation of the former Minister of Culture Agnese Logina (Progressives). Logina left office on Monday, June 17. Logina explained that she was resigning as Minister of Culture for personal reasons.

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