Daugavpils stabbing suspect commits suicide

A man wanted for the attack on Daugavpils hospital official Inta Vaivode at the end of May has committed suicide, the LETA news agency reports June 5.

Without giving the name of the victim, the State Police (VP) added to earlier reports that the victim (Inta Vaivode) had been admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the neck and stab wounds to the neck, abdomen, and back.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated under Article 15(4) and Article 116 of the Criminal Law, i.e. for attempted murder.

The police found out that the persons were known to each other. During the investigation, the perpetrator was identified relatively quickly and a search was launched.

Last week, however, the South Latgale police station received information about a dead body in Daugavpils. On arrival at the address indicated, the corpse of the man, born in 1969, was found. The man had hanged himself with a rope.

Criminal proceedings will be terminated in the near future. 

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