Two Georgian citizens detained in Latvia for migrant transportation

On Monday, May 20, two Georgian citizens were detained in Latvia for transporting persons who had illegally crossed the state border, the State Border Guard said.

Border guards stopped a Ford Transit Connect driven by a Georgian citizen in Augšdaugava municipality. During a document check, 15 people were found in the car without travel documents, valid visas, or residence permits.

A moment later, another Georgian citizen traveling in a Hyundai car was detained in the Augšdaugava region on suspicion of providing support to migrants.

Criminal proceedings have been initiated against the Georgian citizen under Article 285(1)(3) of the Criminal Law for knowingly providing a person with the possibility to stay illegally in the Republic of Latvia, if committed by an organized group. 

The above-mentioned acts are punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to eight years.

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