Nearly half of fence on Latvia-Russia border completed

130 kilometers or 46% of the planned fence have been built on the Latvian-Russian border, the State Enterprise "State Real Estate" (VNĪ) said June 12.

The Latvian-Russian land border spans 283 kilometers. 130 kilometers of the fence have been built. 

Priority sections are to be completed by the end of this year. The construction works are being carried out simultaneously in 6 parts.

VNĪ has concluded 16 contracts with 6 contractors to construct the fence and infrastructure along the entire length of the border. The construction of the border fence has been carried out since April by the contractors LLC Citrus Solutions, LLC HAGBERG Construction, LLC Nordes būve and the National Armed Forces (NBS).

In the coming weeks, work will also be started by State JSC "Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs", the general partnership "P un P Būvniecības grupa" and LLC "Baltic Construction Company".

Jeļena Gavrilova, Member of the Board of VNĪ, said that the construction is progressing according to plan. On average, 6 kilometers of fence are built per week.

As some contractors are yet to start work, the pace of construction is expected to increase to reach the target of completing the fence in priority sections by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the construction of the fence in the particularly difficult sections of about 28 kilometers and the infrastructure will continue until the end of 2025, Gavrilova said.

Most of the border strip near the Russian border has already been deforested, which allows the fence to be built more quickly. In the marshy areas on the Latvian-Russian border, a pontoon solution will be used.

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