Latvia to take in more Ukrainian soldiers for treatment

Following a request from Ukraine to provide medical rehabilitation to a larger number of wounded soldiers, the Latvian government on Tuesday, June 18, approved the admission of 50 additional soldiers to the rehabilitation center "Jaunķemeri", the Ministry of Health (VM) said.

During his recent visit to Ukraine, Health Minister Hosama Abu Meri (New Unity) said that Latvia had found a solution to increase rehabilitation facilities. An additional EUR 183.9 thousand has been reallocated to provide rehabilitation for 50 wounded soldiers during the current year. 

The VM noted that since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, rehabilitation of soldiers has been provided at the National Rehabilitation Center "Vaivari", but this hospital has reached its maximum capacity to accommodate wounded soldiers, so other options have been sought.

The location of the "Jaunķemeri" facility, which is close to both Riga and Vaivari, was important, as the wounded may need consultations from other specialists, possibly transportation, and the "Jaunķemeri" doctors will be available for support when needed.

Vaivari has provided rehabilitation for soldiers in cases of multiple and combined functional impairments after polytrauma with central and peripheral nervous system damage, including spinal cord damage, complex bone fractures, amputations and prosthetics.

Latvia has welcomed 116 Ukrainian soldiers this year and 270 in 2023.

Inpatient medical rehabilitation of wounded patients in Ukraine is provided in accordance with the Action Plan for Support to Ukrainian Civilians in Latvia 2024.

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