Rīta Panorāma

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Rīta Panorāma

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Intervija ar Valsts policijas koledžas direktoru Dmitriju Homenko un aktieri Niklāvu Kurpnieku

'We want you', says Latvian police

The State Police College has launched a recruitment campaign "Police is looking for you", which will inform potential students about the educational opportunities and benefits the State Police College provides, Dmitrijs Homenko, principal of the college, told Latvian Television on June 18.

The application process will take place from July 8 to 21 this year.

Dmitrijs Homenko, Director of the State Police College, said in an interview with the Latvian Television program "Rīta panorāma" that the aim of the campaign was to address the younger generation with humor and attractiveness, showing that studies at the State Police College are "very exciting and interesting".

The College is part of the Internal Security Academy consortium - one of the higher education institutions providing a full cycle of higher education with the possibility to obtain a Master's degree either at Riga Stradiņš University or the University of Latvia.

"One could say that the State Police College is a very successful, very attractive start for a career in internal security institutions, including the State Police, where you have the opportunity to get to know investigative and response services. There is also the possibility to get into one of the special units, of course, if you are physically fit and willing," Homenko explained.

The campaign is launched at a time of an acute shortage of internal security employees. As reported in the winter of 2022, at the time, Rīga lacked over 40% of police officers while Latvia overall about a quarter, and the situation has not improved over time.

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