New bird species spotted in Latvia

In Latvia, a bird species has been recorded for the first time  – the Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti). This has become the 377th species of bird observed in Latvia.

As Oskars Keišs, the head of the Ornithology Laboratory at the University of Latvia, explained to Latvian Radio, German researchers from the University of Oldenburg in Pape are conducting a study on bird orientation, i.e. how birds find their way to nesting sites and back to their wintering grounds in autumn.

While catching and ringing warblers, coincidentally, a Cetti's warbler has also been caught, ringed and released. As Keišs explained, the Cetti's warbler lives in southern Europe and is not a migratory species, but it is also slowly spreading northwards; however, records of this species are rare in Poland and Germany, so the bird can be considered a 'visitor' in Latvia.

Keišs pointed out that the chances of seeing this bird in Latvia are close to zero, as it is a small, brown bird with no distinctive features, and therefore such species are usually only detected by capture.

The Cetti's warbler is a small bird of the passerine family, named after the Italian zoologist Francesco Cetti.  

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