Storklings hatch in livestreamed nest

The first two chicks hatched on Thursday in a white stork nest on a power pole equipped with a live camera. The stork couple Mamma and Tuks welcomed them around noon, the electricity distribution network "Sadales tīkls" informed.

The said that holes were already noticeable in the eggs on Thursday morning and the most diligent viewers of the live broadcast were eagerly awaiting the hatching of the chicks. The first chick hatched shortly after 12.30 p.m. and the second chick was born about 10 minutes later.

Holes and cracks in the other eggs indicate that other chicks could hatch soon. 

The hatching of the chicks has started one of the most interesting periods of the livestream. The successful growth of all chicks to flight age will depend to a large extent on feeding opportunities. A total of five eggs were laid in the white stork nest. The pair settled in the nest at the beginning of April.


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