Latvia has a high rate of death from circulatory disease

Within the European Union, Latvia is among the countries with the highest incidences of deaths from circulatory diseases according to Eurostat data published May 17.

In 2021, the EU standardised death rate due to diseases of the circulatory system was 343 deaths per 100 000 people. The rate was heavily influenced by age, with a rate for those 65 years or over of 1 586 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants over 65, while the rate for those under 65 was 42.

The rate in males was significantly higher than in females. This was observed in both age groups: 64 for males and 21 for females under 65 years old, and 1 849 for males and 1 393 for females aged 65 and over.

At regional level, the highest rates of death from diseases of the circulatory system were recorded in 5 Bulgarian regions: Severozapaden (1 332), Severen tsentralen (1 273), Yugoiztochen (1 240), Yuzhen tsentralen (1 204) and Severoiztochen (1 147).

The lowest rates were reported in 4 French regions and 1 Spanish region: Île de France (141), Rhône-Alps (153), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (154), Communidad de Madrid (158), and Midi-Pyrénées (164). 

Latvia – which is classed as a single region in the classification methodology – had a rate of 859, as shown on the map below.

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Source dataset: hlth_cd_asdr2


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