Truck kills senior at social care facility

Take note – story published 1 year and 2 months ago

At the social care center "Tērvete" a truck allegedly drove over a center resident who died from his injuries. The victim may have been in a wheelchair, moving through an unenclosed area in the care center territory where repairworks are carried out, Latvian Television's 4. studija reported on May 18.

Nearly 200 people spend their days at the social center Tērvete. Most of them have different health problems. There are both bedbound people and those who can go out to breathe fresh air. 

The victim, a 74-year-old man, used to roll around in his wheelchair around the entire social care center territory.

An eyewitness who wanted to remain anonymous told the LTV broadcast that the tragic incident occurred on May 10. The man was rolling in the wheelchair in the territory and he was run over by a truck that had carried asphalt. The senior had broken legs, arms, and hips, and died from his injuries.

No further action has taken place; the man is dead, but the construction sites have not been cordoned off, as verified by LTV.

The inhabitants of the center spoke evasively about the tragedies that had occurred.

Signe Vintere, head of the social care center, confirmed that on May 10 she received information about an incident in which a client was injured, and then died in hospital.

"The center has a video surveillance system, and any video records associated with this incident will be released to the police. Further comments I would like to abstain from, because it could be unethical for family members,” Vintere said.

The State Police launched criminal proceedings a day later - May 11, when the severely injured man died in the hospital.

“A man born in 1977, driving a truck, hit a man born in 1949 who was injured in the accident. The person was brought to the medical facility, where he later lost his life from the injuries. Criminal proceedings have been initiated in the State Police after the second paragraph of Section 260 of the Criminal Law regarding violation of the rules on road traffic or the rules on the operation of vehicles, if it has been caused by a person who is driving a means of transport, and if it has caused serious bodily injury to the victim or has caused the death of a person,” said Ilze Jurēviča, deputy head of the public relations department of the State Police.

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