Latest Osokins Freedom Festival raised another 20,000 euros for Ukraine

The latest iteration of the Osokins Freedom Festival, a popular musical charitable event, has raised more than 20,000 euros for Ukraine, according to the festival organizers. 

In all, 20,196.52 euros was raised from event ticket revenues and funds donated in a special campaign on the portal The money will be used to purchase two drones, defensive anti-drone equipment, self-heating meals, and will also be used to support parents of seriously ill children, providing a total of 154 medical, rehabilitation and psychotherapist consultations.

At the end of June, the first cargoes purchased with these funds will be delivered to the frontline regions of Ukraine. 

Festival founder and artistic director Andrejs Osokins, an accomplished pianist from a musical family, said:

“I am very proud of the Latvian people and their strong, unwavering stance in continuing to show the world how important it is to support Ukraine, its people’s freedom, and protect it from annihilation. I am pleased that for the first time in the festival’s history, we are able to assist our people in Latvia as well, by providing medical services to the parents of seriously ill children. This has been made possible thanks to the generous
response from donors and listeners.

"It is a pleasure that so many people followed our concerts in person and online, both by outstanding Latvian musicians and talented artists from Ukraine. Every donation, every smile, and every gesture of support for the Ukrainian people and soldiers brings us closer to a time when we in Europe will be able to breathe freely, create, and believe in a bright future in a civilized world."

Osokins Freedom Festival
Osokins Freedom Festival

"I am also very grateful to the festival’s main patron, Elektrum, and patron, Latvijas Finieris, whose support enabled us to implement such a colourful and diverse festival program,” said Osokins.

The funds raised during the festival will be used in cooperation with and journalist Ieva Vārna, who regularly travels to the frontlines in Ukraine to deliver urgently needed supplies, and provide people in Latvia with up-to-date information.

The aid will go to the most difficult sections of the Donbas front – units fighting in the city of Chasiv Yar and in the area of Pokrovsk. A portion of the funds will also be allocated to purchase an all-terrain vehicle for the
mechanized infantry brigade in Chasiv Yar. The vehicle will be purchased with funds raised from both the
festival and the 'Light Path for Donbas' campaign initiated by Ieva Vārna. You can donate to this campaign

Nor does the effort to help Ukraine end there.  This autumn, in anticipation of the sixth Osokins’ Freedom Festival, the festival’s creative team, in cooperation with, Pāvuls Jurjāns Music School, the association “Aktīvists”, and the Latvian Embassy in Ukraine, will organize a music instrument playing masterclass camp in Latvia for Ukrainian children from war-torn territories.

As previously reported by LSM, the initiaitive has already raised considerable sums for Ukraine's defense against Russian aggression.

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