Warm weekend to be followed by heatwave in Latvia

The weather in Latvia is not expected to change significantly Thursday and Friday, but it will get warmer during the weekends, according to forecasts.

Rain is expected at times until Friday, but the sun will shine frequently. Temperatures will be mild, with lows of 6-11 C at night and up to 13 C on the coast, and highs of 15-21 C during the day.

Saturday is likely to be rain-free and sunny across Latvia, with temperatures warming up to +19 to +24 C, Sunday will be a degree or two warmer, while thunderstorms are expected in many parts of Kurzeme in the afternoon.

Next week, the weather in Latvia will be sultry as temperatures continue to rise and humidity remains high. Daily thunderstorms will affect parts of Latvia, and as the wind increases, thunderstorms will also become stronger, bringing strong winds and torrential rain, as well as hail in some places.

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