Expect both sun and rain this week in Latvia

This week the sun will shine more often and the air will be hot, but precipitation will also be observed in most of the country, according to the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center's forecast.

Both rainy and drier days are expected in the new week. From Sunday onwards, a warmer air mass will gradually flow into Latvia from the south and temperatures will rise significantly to 25-26 C in places.

Heavy thundershowers are expected in the east of the country on Monday. Wednesday will also be heavy in precipitation, with rain across Latvia. Slow winds will persist, becoming gusty during thunderstorms.

Temperatures will stay in the 11-17 degree range overnight during the week. Daytime temperatures will reach 21-26 C, but it will be cooler on the coast.

Forecasts for the days before and after the Midsummer period are still subject to change, but the latest information shows that it will rain in places and the wind will pick up, gusting up to 19 meters per second in some places. Temperatures at night will remain similar to the rest of the week, while daytime temperatures could be around +16 C to +23. 

Cyclones are likely to be active in the vicinity of Latvia, so the weather forecast for Midsummer may change as their path changes.

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