Photos: Traditional herb market in Doma Square, Rīga

As Līgo festival and Midsummer approach, the traditional Herb Market (according to Riga City Council) or grass market, as it is commonly known, has started in Rīga's Doma Square.

Local craftspeople and traders offer a variety of items useful for the festivities, including delicacies, jewelry, clothing, earthenware, and midsummer herbs.

The bustle in Dome Square started on the morning of Thursday, June 20, when the big stage began to be set up for performances by dance ensembles, orchestras, and other artists. The Herb Market is now in its 27th year.

"This year, as every year, the festival will be very colorful. 260 vendors have signed up, 40 of whom will be selling herbs. There will be a concert program throughout the day," said Kitija Riekstiņa, organizer of the market.

The Herb Market in Dom Square will run from 9 am to 7 pm on Friday, June 21.

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