Eurostat data for December 2022 show that the price of store-bought pizza and quiche in the EU was, on average, 16% higher than in December 2021. In December 2021, the price was, on average, only 2% higher than in December 2020.
Furthermore, lovers of disc-shaped savory snacks in Latvia are seeing prices rise even faster than the EU average with an annual rate of change of 24%. That's like the greedy guy who takes a whole quarter slice of your pizza. Or quiche.
Among EU countries, the highest increase in annual inflation for pizza and quiche was recorded in Hungary (+46% in December 2022 compared with December 2021), followed by Lithuania (+39%) and Bulgaria (+37%). On the other hand, smaller increases were recorded in the traditional homes of pizza (Italy +10%) and quiche (France +13%), with Luxembourg the country in which anyone surviving exclusively on quiche and pizza would suffer least in financial terms, if not dietary ones.