Pizza prices are rising fast. Also, quiche.

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

Of all the available indicators available to economists and analysts, this may be the best one: the Pizza and Quiche Index. 

Eurostat data for December 2022 show that the price of store-bought pizza and quiche in the EU was, on average, 16% higher than in December 2021. In December 2021, the price was, on average, only 2% higher than in December 2020.

Furthermore, lovers of disc-shaped savory snacks in Latvia are seeing prices rise even faster than the EU average with an annual rate of change of 24%. That's like the greedy guy who takes a whole quarter slice of your pizza. Or quiche.

Among EU countries, the highest increase in annual inflation for pizza and quiche was recorded in Hungary (+46% in December 2022 compared with December 2021), followed by Lithuania (+39%) and Bulgaria (+37%). On the other hand, smaller increases were recorded in the traditional homes of pizza (Italy +10%) and quiche (France +13%), with Luxembourg the country in which anyone surviving exclusively on quiche and pizza would suffer least in financial terms, if not dietary ones. 

Pizza and quiche prices
Pizza and quiche prices


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