Saeima spring session statistics

In the spring session of the 14th Saeima, which ran from April 8 to June 21 of this year, 86 laws were adopted, consisting of seven completely new laws and 79 cases of amendments to existing laws, according to data published June 26.

During the session, deputies met for 15 meetings, including three extraordinary and one ceremonial meeting.

In the spring session, 93 draft laws were submitted to commissions for consideration, 69 of which were submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers, and 12 by Saeima deputies, 11 by Saeima commissions, and one draft law was submitted by the State President.

Working with the submitted bills and viewing them in the second and third reading, a total of 1,163 proposals were evaluated in the Saeima.

Regarding the performance of deputies themselves, the question of who spoke in debates the most is always an interesting one. During this year's spring session, the following MPs debated the most at Saeima sittings: Viktorija Pleškāne (Independent) – 27 times, Ainārs Šlesers (Latvia First) – 25 times, Artūrs Butāns (National Alliance)  and Aleksandrs Kiršteins (Independent) – each 21 times, Aleksejs Roslikovs (For Stability!) – 15 times. These figures pale in comparison with some previous sessions in which members have even racked up a century of orations.

The spring session of the Saeima closed on June 21 and the autumn session will begin on September 3, though extraordinary sessions of the Saeima can be convened and committee meetings can be held between regular sessions if deemed necessary.

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