Former Latvian road maintenance chief gets suspended sentence

The Riga Regional Court of Appeal on Wednesday found Vladimirs Kononovs, former Chairman of the Board of SJSC "Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs" (Latvian Road Maintenance), guilty of non-performance of duties, and sentenced him to a suspended prison term of 2 years and six months, LETA and Latvian Television reported September 11.

Kononovs the former head of the company, was accused of failing to fulfill his duties, causing losses to the State amounting to € 277,300. 

In May 2016, the Board of Directors of Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs, including the Chairman of the Board, announced a tender for the supply of fractional crushed stone and dolomite crushed stone mixtures. Five tenderers applied, but Vlakon, which was linked to the then Viļāni Municipal Councillor Andris Kozulis (Greens and Farmers Union), was declared the winner. 

However, Kononovs allegedly signed a different procurement contract, which did not specify the price of the goods at all and was not in line with the draft contract approved by the Board, and created an opportunity for the company to offer and deliver goods at prices higher than those offered in the procurement procedure.

Kononovs resigned at the beginning of August 2017.

Kononovs was prosecuted under Article 319(3) of the Criminal Law, i.e. for failure to perform the duties of a public official, if it caused serious consequences. Criminal proceedings against two other persons were discontinued/

In addition to the suspended prison sentence, the court on Wednesday ordered Kononovs to be deprived of the right to work for state and local authorities for 3 years. The court also ordered Kononovs to pay EUR 226,963 to Latvijas autoceļu uzturētājs as compensation for material damage. 

This judgment can still be appealed in cassation.

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